Pedigree of Sheranda's Wind Sprite
CH The Meadows Simply Smashing
CH The Meadows Notorious ROM
The Meadows Puppycakes Express
The Meadows Carry The Dream
The Meadows Journey On
The Meadows Carry On
The Meadows Rainbow Colors
CH The Meadows Classique White
Cheranns Bluestone
CH Cheranns Stone Cutter
CH Cheranns Sage Brush Design
CH Cheranns Classique Concept
CH Cheranns Talk of the Town
Cheranns Kiss N' Tell
CH Quayths Kissed By The Sun
Windflower Sylvan Seminole Wind
Am/Can CH Carnwaths Beat It, sire
of 15 Chs
CAN CH Windflowers Diplomat
Windflowers African Queen
CAN CH Windflowers Genesis
CH Sylvans The Prophet
CAN CH Sylvan Windflower Autumnsong
Sylvans Little Bit of Love
CAN CH Windflowers Promise
CAN CH Brandywine Carnwath Ti Amo
CAN CH Sylvan Sheranda Back In Black
Lurics The Sylvan Sorceress mj ptd
CAN CH Windflowers Cotton Ginny
CH Aurealis Silverscreen BOB CCA
CAN CH Aurealis Of Windflower
Aurealis Silver Sapphire
Sheranda's Wind Sprite
CH Starrs Tailor-Made ROM
CH Countryview Masterful
CH Countryview Starr Attraction
CH Countryview Secret Service
CH Starrs Tailor-Made ROM
Countryview Matinee, mj ptd
Countryview Starr Search
Blu Ridge Sealore Undercover, CCA Pup 2cd
CH Starrs Tailor-Made ROM
CH Countryview Monumental
Countryview Starr Search
Candray Shalimar
CH Starrs Tailor-Made ROM
CH Candray Brilliance
Candray Luminess
Blu Ridge Dawn O' Sheranda, Ch bro
CH Sealores Grand Applause BOB
CH Starrs Tailor-Made ROM
CH Starrs Painted On Jeans
CH Countryview Monumental
Am/Can CH Tartanside The Critics
Choice ROM
Countryview Starr Search
Starrs Dark Crystal pts ROM
Starrs Candle In The Wind
CH Sealores Grand Applause BOB
CH Starrs Tailor-Made ROM
CH Starrs Painted On Jeans
Tartanside Tantalize
Am/Can CH Tartanside The Critics
Choice ROM
CH Tartanside Anticipation
CH Tartanside Animation