of Sheranda's Late Nite Spice "Lisa"
CH Hi Vu The Blue Devil
Am/Can CH Hi
Vu The Enchantor
Hi Vu Bedazzle
Tartanside Preview ROM
Am/Can CH Tartanside The Critics Choice ROM
CH Tartanside Fringe Benefit
CH Twin City The Great Divide WD 96 CCA
CH Napiers Dangerous Laison
CH Barkdsale
Shenstone Edition
CH Shenstone Midnite Edition
CH Barksdale Evening Shade
Tartanside Preview ROM
CH Barksdale
Sire CH Barksdale
CH Countryviews Tonites The Night BOV 01 CCA
CH Countryview Motion Picture
CH Aurealis
Silverscreen BOB CCA 91
Aurealis Affectionately
CH Countryview Admission
CH Sealores Grand Applause BOB CCA 92 ROM
CH Countryview
Dark Secret
Starrs Dark Crystal pts ROM
CH Countryview Colorful ROM
CH Sealores Grand Applause BOB CCA 92 ROM
CH Starrs
Tailor-Made ROM
CH Starrs Painted On Jeans
Starrs Blue Topaz
CH Countryview Motion Picture
Starrs Paint
by Numbers
CH Starrs Painted On Jeans
Late Nite Spice
CH Sealores Grand Applause BOB CCA 92 ROM
CH Starrs
Tailor-Made ROM
CH Starrs Painted On Jeans
CH Countryview Masterful
Am/Can CH Tartanside The Critics Choice ROM
CH Countryview
Starr Attraction
Starrs Dark Crystal pts ROM
CH Countryview Secret Service
CH Sealores Grand Applause BOB CCA 92 ROM
CH Starrs
Tailor-Made ROM
CH Starrs Painted On Jeans
Countryview Matinee, mj ptd
Am/Can CH Tartanside The Critics Choice ROM
Starr Search
Dam Starrs
Dark Crystal pts ROM
Starrs Spice Girl, bro RWD '98 CCA. Owner, Wanda Cable - Sheranda
CH Sealores Grand Applause BOB CCA 92 ROM
CH Starrs
Tailor-Made ROM
CH Starrs Painted On Jeans
CH Countryview Monumental
Am/Can CH Tartanside The Critics Choice ROM
Starr Search
Starrs Dark Crystal pts ROM
Starrs Ruby Sun
CH Twin Oaks Jokers Wild ROM
CH Thornacres
Storm Warning
Myriahs Stormy Weather
CH Thornacres Touch The Wind
CH Executives Devilish Dealer
Simply Devilish
CAN CH Pebblebrooks Simply Smashing